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Búsqueda por serie: Foundations and philosophy of science and technology series
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Mathematics as a cultural system

by Raymond L. Wilder.

1st ed.

Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1981.

xii, 182 págs. ; 22 cm.

Serie: Foundations and philosophy of science and technology series

ISBN: 0080257968

Bibliografía: p. 167-171.

Reseña: MathSciNet, 83a:00013


  • 1. The nature of culture and cultural systems
  • 2. Examples of cultural patterns observable in the evolution of mathematics
  • 3. Historical episodes; a laboratory for the study of cultural change
  • 4. Potential of a theory or field; hereditary stress
  • 5. Consolidation: force and process
  • 6. The exceptional individual; singularities in the evolution of mathematics
  • 7. "Laws" governing the evolution of mathematics
  • 8. Mathematics in the 20th century; role and future.
Registro 003753 · Modificado: 12/03/2013

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